✰ Grace is an ambitious 15-year-old small biz owner and artist who runs the Instagram account @goodnessgracedesign where she loves “spreading joy and positivity” in addition to “sharing what I’m passionate about, like mental health” and spreading inspiration – Grace.
✰ She finds being a small business owner and a full-time student to be challenging and I think we can all agree that (at times) we struggle with time management too! Swipe right once to learn about her time management tip.
✰ Even during the everlasting corona season, Grace has found motivation and inspiration in her own unique way. Swipe right twice to figure out what it is 🙂
✰ Graces fav quote is “You can be a dreamer and a doer.” This is her fav because “it signifies that you can work hard and dream about fun things in the future!”
✰ Keep swiping for tips for boosting motivation + if you are a teen trying to make a difference or want to build your community!
✰ Make sure to follow @goodnessgracedesign today and keep up with her work as she grows her business! Have any questions for her? Comment them below 🙂