★ Let’s talk about mindset ★
Have you been feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or feeling like you’re struggling to catch up?
★ A few weeks ago, I attended Sindy Warren’s (@bluetree_coaching) overwhelmed solution class since school has been very overwhelming, and I kept feeling ‘like I was’ behind.
★Below is a list of statements/thoughts that I found really grounding and helpful when dealing with these common feelings. I hope they can help you too! Comment below what you do when you feel overwhelmed.
★ Sindy talked a lot about reframing your thoughts, which will lead to changing your feelings and essentially affect your actions. But how can you reframe your thoughts?
She said: you can do so by – Reading, Writing, and Repeating the following –
★ There is plenty of time for things that matter.
★ I always get it done.
★ I am going to figure it out no matter what.
★ I am working and becoming better at this.
★ After noticing how several of the statements start with “I am,” I decided to do a little of my own research! I found out that using statements that begin with “I am” helps you feel like you already are that way, which allows you to believe you really can be that way. So why not say it, believe it, and feel it. Implement it, and you will be unstoppable 🙂
Have a great week, your gonna kill it.